Horizon Japanese Church Okanagan

Japanese/English Bilingual Church in Kelowna, BC, Canada

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Special Events

2023 Japanese Style Summer Festival

Horizon Japanese Church will hold a Japanese-style summer festival for children on August 1st! Japan has wonderful cultures and the

HJCO Easter Event
Special Events

2023 Easter Festival

We will holdThe Easter Children’s Festival again this year, sponsored by Horizon Japanese Church Okanagan. This year, there will also

Christmas Service
Special Events

2022 Christmas Service

Everyone welcome! (Bilingual service)本物のクリスマスを体験しませんか。どなたでもご参加頂けます!


We see you on every Sunday

Our Sunday Worship and Kids School is held  at
1:30pm every Sunday

Kelowna Gospel Fellowship Church
3714 Gordon Dr. Kelowna, BC

Sunday Worship


Every Sunday at 1:30 pm at Kelowna Gospel Fellowship Church in Kelowna – featuring it’s provided in bilingual, Japanese/English.

Sunday Worship

JJ Kids Sunday School


Every Sunday at 1:30pm Worship, Bible story, Game, Craft etc…

JJ Kids Sunday School


Meguru Hakamata

袴田 周

Meguru worked at Tokyo Horizon Chapel in Japan for 9 years. He and his family then followed God’s guidance and immigrated to Canada, where he started Horizon Japanese Church Okanagan in Kelowna(HJCO). He has a passion for Bible teaching and missionary work.

周は日本の東京ホライズンチャペルで9年間働いていました。 その後、彼と家族は神の導きに従ってカナダに移住し、ケロウナにあるホライズン日本人教会オカナガン(HJCO)を設立しました。 彼は聖書の教えと宣教活動に情熱を持っています。


Bilingual Services Archive

Our Sunday service is streamed every Sunday at 1 :30pm on YouTube Live

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see the latest updates!

About us

Horizon Japanese Church Okanagan


Horizon, it is the place where the heavens and the earth meet. Our desire is to experience the joy of heaven on earth.

HJCO began with the words of the book of Ezekiel chapter 47. Ezekiel saw a vision of a temple and water dripping from under its threshold. The temple was a place of worship and the water symbolized the Holy Spirit. We believe that worship is the source of all blessings and value worshipping God. We have bilingual worship services and all are welcome!

地平線、それは天と地が交わる場所です。 私たちの願いは、地上の天国の喜びを体験することです。

HJCO はエゼキエル書 47 章の言葉から始まりました。エゼキエルは神殿とその敷居の下から水が滴る幻を見ました。 神殿は礼拝の場であり、水は聖霊を象徴していました。 私たちは礼拝がすべての祝福の源であると信じており、神を礼拝することを大切にしています。 私たちはバイリンガルの礼拝を行っており、どなたでも歓迎です。


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