Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God saying, “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never
enter it.” The Kingdom of God that Jesus taught about was something we can experience here on earth, not just in heaven where we go after death. If we place ourselves in the reign of Jesus, the Kingdom of God will come in our lives, and we can live happily. The theory of happiness taught by Jesus was different from what humans generally think. It was very simple: just accept the Kingdom of God like a little child. We think about the characteristics of little children. 1: Little children do not compare themselves to others. They know they are wonderful beings created by God. When we compare ourselves to others, we lose sight of our own greatness. If we live in comparison, we suffer between feelings of superiority and inferiority and cannot live happily. When we live like little children, accepting ourselves, we will experience the Kingdom of God. 2: Little children are enthusiastic about things. When we are enthusiastic about something, our thoughts are freed from bad or negative thoughts. God has a mission for our lives. If we are enthusiastic about that mission, we will experience the Kingdom of God. 3: Little children are dependent on their parents. Generally, the word “dependence” has a negative connotation. However, the most important concept in the Bible is “dependence.” If we live dependent on our Heavenly
Father as little children are dependent on their parents, we will experience the Kingdom of God. 4: Little children are honest. When we preach the Gospel to children, they accept it with an open heart. Likewise, let us accept Jesus as our Savior with an open heart.