Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 3 /Wonder and Amazement / 使徒の働き 3章/不思議と驚き

Acts 3 /Wonder and Amazement / 使徒の働き 3章/不思議と驚き

June 10, 2024 | Messages

When we walk with Jesus, wonders and amazing things will occur in our lives. The apostles testified that Jesus is our Savior by performing many wonders and signs. In chapter 3, one of the wonders they performed is described. One day, when Peter and John went to the temple to pray, they saw a man who was lame at the gate called Beautiful. He was begging and expected to receive monetary alms from them. However, the two did not give him money, but a spiritual blessing. They healed the man by the name of Jesus! At the last supper, Jesus said to his disciples “In that day you will ask in my name.” When Jesus said, “that day,” he meant the day of Pentecost, and if believers filled with the Holy Spirit pray in the name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father listened to them. After Peter and John healed the man, Peter preached the second sermon to the people. In his sermon, he said “By faith in the name of Jesus, this man was made strong.” When believers proclaim the name of Jesus, the great power of God will be demonstrated. In the letter to the Hebrews, it is written, “Jesus always lives to intercede for them.” The word“intercession”used here means “negotiation” in Greek. In other words, when we pray in Jesus’ name, he negotiates with God as a mediator so that it will be answered. Therefore, His name has great power. Let us believe in the power of Jesus’ name and strive in prayer and our ministry.




