Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 5/ The Words of this Life/ 使徒の働き5章 /このいのちの言葉

Acts 5/ The Words of this Life/ 使徒の働き5章 /このいのちの言葉

August 7, 2024 | Messages

After Ananias and Sapphira were judged for their sins, the work of the Holy Spirit became more prominent, and God performed many miracles and healings through the apostles.When the Jewish religious leaders saw this, they became
fearful and envious of the apostles and imprisoned them. However, an angel appeared there, opened the prison door,
and released them. At that time, the angel said to them, “Go and speak to the people all the words of this Life.” This command was not only a mission for the apostles, but for us as well. “The words of this Life” means the gospel of Jesus
Christ and the gospel is what gives life to people. It means not only to gain eternal life by faith, but also to live a life full of
the life of Christ. In other words, Christianity is not about doctrine or knowledge, but about living the life of Christ. After being released from prison, the apostles immediately went to the Temple to preach the gospel, even though it was early in the morning. They must have been physically exhausted after spending the night in prison. They were also in danger of being imprisoned again for sharing the gospel. However, they accomplished their mission despite the sacrifices. Obsessed with maintaining their own authority and gripped by fear, the Jewish leaders used their power to oppress the apostles. The apostles, however, who were filled with the Holy Spirit, focused on proclaiming “the word of this life” instead of being captured by the threats of earthly authorities. Let us follow the example of the apostles, be filled with the life of Jesus, and fulfill our mission.

き、彼らを解放した。その時天使は使徒達にこう言った。「行って宮の中に立ち、人々にこのいのちのことばを、ことごとく語りなさい。」この命令は、使徒達だけではなく、私達への使命でもあると言えるだろう。命の言葉とは、イエスキリストの福音を意味するが、福音は人々に命を与えるものである。それは信仰によって永遠の命を得るだけに留まらず、私達が地上での生活をキリストの命に溢れて躍動的に生きる事をも意味する。つまり、キリスト教は教理でも知識でもなく、キリストの復活の命に生きる事なのだ。牢獄から解放された使徒達は、早朝であったにも関わらず、直ぐに宮に行って人々に福音を宣べ伝えた。きっと獄中で一夜を過ごした彼らは肉体的には疲労していたであろう。また彼らは福音を語る事で再び投獄される危険性もあった。しかしながら、彼らはそれらの犠牲を払ってでも、福音宣教の使命を果たしたのだ。自らのメンツを保つ事に執着し、その結果恐れに捕らわれていたユダヤ教の指導者達は、権力を使って使徒達を弾圧した。ところが、聖霊に満たされていた使徒達は、地上の権威者の脅かしに捕らわれる事なく、「このいのちの言葉」を宣べ伝える事に焦点を合わせ た。これこそがキリストの命に満たされた者達の姿である。私達も使徒達に倣い、イエスに目を向け、命に溢れて生きよう。



