Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 5/ Be Overjoyed/ 使徒の働き5章 /喜びおどれ!

Acts 5/ Be Overjoyed/ 使徒の働き5章 /喜びおどれ!

September 5, 2024 | Messages

The apostles were arrested and flogged for preaching the gospel. The Jewish flogging penalty was a harsh one, with 39
lashes applied to the offender’s body. Despite such severe punishment, the Bible notes that“The apostles left the
Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.” Why were they able to rejoice in spite of experiencing so much pain? One reason for this was that they had been taught by Jesus that the
preaching of the gospel would be accompanied by persecution. So, they expected to be persecuted. Another reason was that they interpreted ordeals, including persecution, from God’s perspective. Peter, in the letter he wrote, stated, “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” Here, Peter teaches that going through ordeals means participating in the sufferings of Christ. Christians receive many blessings from God. At the same time, we may encounter absurd ordeals and tribulations even after we become Christians. When we face ordeals, we may feel self-pity or doubt the existence of God. However, God is working to bring us closer to Jesus and to understand Him better by making us experience suffering similar to what Christ experienced. Suffering is the way to bring us to the glory of Christ. When we understand this, we can rejoice in the Lord even


the midst of ordeals.



