Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 6/ The plan of God/ 使徒の働き6章 /神の計画

Acts 6/ The plan of God/ 使徒の働き6章 /神の計画

September 6, 2024 | Messages

In the process of the growth of the early church, one problem arose. The Hellenistic Jews among them complained against
the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. One of the principles found in the book of Acts is that when the church was growing, Satan attacked to stop it, but when the apostles
overcame his attacks by faith, the gospel advanced further. Luke based the book of Acts on the historical philosophy of
the “universality of the Abrahamic covenant.” In other words, he described the process by which the gospel began with the
Jews and was proclaimed to the Gentiles. When we read this story from that perspective, we realize that it was not just a
problem of the distribution of food, but a trigger for the early church to embark on world missions. The apostles responded
to this problem by appointing seven men and delegating to them the task of distribution of food.The first of the seven was Stephen, who later became the first martyr in the early church. His martyrdom led to intensified persecution of Christians, and believers were scattered throughout Israel and even outside the country. However, because of the dispersion, the gospel came to be preached in Samaria and outside of Israel. When we consider this historical perspective, we realize that God had a plan behind this problem . Likewise, God has a plan for our lives. Even when things happen that seem difficult or problematic, God has a plan of blessing behind them. If we respond to problems by faith, God’s plan will be realized in our lives.


the midst of ordeals.



