Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 7:1-16/ The message of Stephen 1/ 使徒の働き7章1-16節 /ステパノのメッセージ1

Acts 7:1-16/ The message of Stephen 1/ 使徒の働き7章1-16節 /ステパノのメッセージ1

September 14, 2024 | Messages

We will study Stephen’s last message. At first glance, his message appears to be merely a list of stories from the Old Testament. However, behind the stories lay the message of the gospel. When the false witnesses accused Stephen, they
said, “Stephen was blaspheming God, Moses, the temple and the law.” This was because, Stephen was preaching to the
people that the law of Moses was no longer valid because of the new covenant established by Jesus. At the beginning of
his message, Stephen spoke about God calling Abraham and making a covenant with him. God called Abraham to carry
out a plan to save mankind from sin. Abraham was the father of the Jewish people, and the foundation of Judaism was the
love of God. By telling the story of Abraham, Stephen pointed out the mistaken religious views of the Jews, who forgot about God’s love and were only zealous to keep the law. Stephen then told the story of Joseph. Joseph was abandoned by his brothers, who were Jews, but respected as a ruler by the Egyptians, who were Gentiles. This was a prophetic event that the Jews would not accept Jesus as Messiah, but the Gentiles would. Also, Joseph’s brothers recognized Joseph as their brother when they met him for the second time in Egypt. This was also a prophetic event that the Jewish people did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah at His first coming but will recognize Him at His second coming. Thus, Stephen testified to the universality of the Gospel by telling historical facts. Both Abraham and Joseph suffered through long trials. However, there was a divine plan behind them, and God fulfilled what He had promised. When the realization of what we hope for is delayed, we are discouraged. However, the foundation of our faith is God’s covenant of love and blessing. Let us trust in His love.




