Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 7:17-43/ The message of Stephen 2/ 使徒の働き7章17-43節 /ステパノのメッセージ2

Acts 7:17-43/ The message of Stephen 2/ 使徒の働き7章17-43節 /ステパノのメッセージ2

September 16, 2024 | Messages

There were six points in Stephen’s message, and today we will learn the third and fourth of them. The third point was the story of Moses. In the story of Moses, we can clearly see a common theme with the story of Joseph. The theme was, “the one who was rejected by his own people became the liberator of Israel. ” When Moses was 40 years old, he saved a Hebrew from being mistreated by an Egyptian. Moses was aware that God was calling him to be the liberator of Israel. His fellow Hebrews, however, did not understand this. Fearing that the Egyptians would kill him, Moses fled to Midian. After living there for 40 years, God sent Moses back to Egypt as the liberator of Israel. This indicated that Jesus at his first coming was not accepted as the Messiah by the Jewish people but will be accepted at his second coming. The fact is that the second coming of Jesus was, in many ways, foretold by the stories of Joseph and Moses, which gives us assurance that Jesus will surely return to earth. The fourth point was a reference to Israel’s sin of repeated idolatry. After the Exodus, the Israelites made a golden calf and worshipped it while Moses received the Law from God at Mount Sinai. Despite witnessing God’s great miracles, they betrayed Him. However, this was just the beginning; Israel’s history was one of continuous rebellion against God. By telling these historical facts to the Sanhedrin, Stephen pointed out that their failure to accept Jesus as the Messiah was disobedience to God. For those of us with sinful nature s, it is not easy to follow God through. However, the Lord seeks those whose hearts are fully committed to him. Let us, with the help of the Holy Spirit, live in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.

にはヨセフ物語に共通するテーマが暗示されていた。それは同胞から拒絶された者がイスラエルの解放者となった事だ。モーセが40歳の時、エジプト人から虐待されているヘブル人を救った。モーセには、神が自分をイスラエルの解放者として召しているという自覚があったのだ。しかしながら、同胞達はそれを理解しなかった。エジプト人達から殺される事を恐れたモーセはミデヤンに逃亡した。そこで 40 年間生活した後、神は再びモーセを解放者としてエジプトに遣わした。これは初臨のイエスがユダヤ人達から受け入れられず、再臨の際に受け入れられる事を示している。ヨセフ物語に引き続き、モーセ物語にもイエスの再臨が暗示されている事は、イエスはいずれ必ず地上に再臨される事への確証を私達に与える。第四のポイントは、偶像礼拝を繰り返すイスラエル



