Home 5 Messages 5 Matthew 2/Magi’s Worship /マタイ2章 /博士たちの礼拝

Matthew 2/Magi’s Worship /マタイ2章 /博士たちの礼拝

January 6, 2025 | Messages

God sent our Savior to the Earth on a certain day because it was in constant difficulty due to the work of Satan. That day was Christmas, the day Jesus was born. When Jesus was about 2 years old, the Magi came to Jerusalem from the east. They had studied Bible prophecy and knew when the Messiah would be born. We will reflect on the characteristics of their faith. 1: The Magi had an inquisitive spirit towards the truth. Although they were pagans, they observed the celestial bodies and tried to understand God’s message from them. They also studied the Bible and searched for the truth. Even in their old age, they never lost their desire to learn the truth. 2: The Magi had an adventure. They were of high status and financially well off. They could make a good living in their own country without having to travel to Jerusalem. Nevertheless, they chose to venture out. People tend to stagnate in their faith in comfortable environments. Trying new things energizes our faith. 3: The Magi made sacrifices. They traveled in a caravan. The long journey with so many servants must have cost a fortune. In addition, they offered Jesus precious treasures. 4: The Magi were overjoyed. When they met Jesus, they were overjoyed. Likewise, when we worship Jesus, it brings us great joy. Solomon, who had reached the height of his prosperity, turned against God in his later years and finally said, “I have no pleasure. ” What brings us true joy is not wealth, but the relationship with Jesus. As a result of the Magi’s worship of Jesus, they heard the voice of God and returned to the East by another road. God protected the Magi and Jesus from Herod’s evil hand. God treats his worshippers with care. Let us continue to be true worshipers, following the example of the Magi.




