Home 5 Messages 5 Zechariah 4/Not by might nor by power, by my spirit/ゼカリア書4章 /主の霊によって

Zechariah 4/Not by might nor by power, by my spirit/ゼカリア書4章 /主の霊によって

January 6, 2025 | Messages

Our Scripture theme for 2025 is “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit.” These are the words of the prophet Zechariah, who encouraged the Israelites after the Babylonian captivity. After being released from 70 years of captivity and returning to their own land , the Israelites began building a new temple. The temple was a place to offer sacrifices according to the Law of Moses, which was essential for living in right relationship with God. However, during the construction of the temple, there was interference by Samaritans. This halted the construction for 14 years. Then the Israelites lost their passion for building the temple and began to pursue prosperity in their own lives. So , God sent two prophets, Zechariah, and Haggai, to encourage the Israelites to resume building the temple. With the encouragement of the two prophets, temple construction resumed under the leadership of Joshua the High Priest and Zerubbabel the Governor, and the temple was completed 21 years after the people returned to Israel. The central message of Zechariah and Haggai was “Put your highest priority first.” As noted earlier, the temple was essential to living in a right relationship with God. Likewise, for us, worshiping God and living in relationship with Him is a top priority. There are forces at work in our lives that interfere with our relationship with God. We also tend to seek material prosperity over spiritual matters. However, it is God Himself who truly blesses our lives. In 2025, let us make worshipping God and studying His Word the priority in our lives. In doing so, the Spirit of God will work among us, and we will experience the miracles ofGod that are beyond human capacity.




