One surprise in the Christmas story is that God entrusted his Son to a human couple. We learn about Joseph, a man trusted by God. One Christian psychologist said that our “image of God” overlaps with the image of our own fathers. Jesus said, “I and the Father are one,” and he may have been combining his image of God with his image of his own father. The source of Jesus’ strength was his spiritual oneness with his father Joseph, in addition to his oneness with his Heavenly Father. Joseph must have been a man of excellent character. The following is a list of Joseph’s characteristics. 1: Joseph was a man of principle. The Living Bible states that “Joseph was a man of stern principle.” When Joseph learned of Mary’s pregnancy, he must have been shocked. However, he did not act on hurt feelings; he acted on principle. He decided to leave Mary in secret so that she would not be killed. He was a strong and caring man. 2: Joseph was a man of faith. When the angel told him that the Holy Spirit conceived a baby in her womb, he believed it. Logically, it was incomprehensible, but he believed God’s word. 3: Joseph was an obedient man. The angel appeared to Joseph several times and spoke words to him, and Joseph quickly obeyed. There were risks and problems, but he trusted that God would help him overcome them. 4: Joseph was a man of courage. He acted boldly according to the angel’s words, but never without fear. In fact, the angel told him, “Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife.” These words indicate that Joseph was afraid. However, he overcame his fear by faith. Let us follow his example and live as courageous believers.