Christ has set us free from the curse of the law in order that we might have freedom. Paul teaches us to use that freedom to practice love, not to use it to satisfy the desires of our sinful nature. We who are saved have received the Holy Spirit as a gift. The Holy Spirit tells us what is good and pleasing to God. However, the dilemma is that we have a sinful nature, and because of that nature, we are unable to be perfect. Paul commanded us to “walk by the Spirit” to live in true freedom, free from the law of sin and death. The phrase “walk by the Spirit” can be interpreted as “keep walking by the Spirit” or “develop the habit of relying on the Spirit.” In other words, “walk” means “habitual behavior,” and we need to make a conscious choice to walk with the Spirit daily. When we live in continuous communication with the Spirit, we begin to bear the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is the fruit that is borne in our character, which is more precious than Spiritual gifts. As we are transformed by the Holy Spirit into Christlikeness, we gain a healthy self-confidence and self-love. This is what it means to live in true freedom in Christ. Let us walk daily with the Spirit and live lives that show the glory of Christ.