Home 5 Messages 5 Ⅰ Samuel 17/The power of anointing. /Ⅰ サムエル記17章/油注ぎの力

Ⅰ Samuel 17/The power of anointing. /Ⅰ サムエル記17章/油注ぎの力

January 27, 2024 | Messages

David, anointed by Samuel, was given supernatural powers which were expressed through his talents. First, the power of
anointing was evident in his musical talent. He was a master of the lyre, to which was added the power of healing. His
music healed the mentally unstable king Saul. Second, the power of anointing improved his slinging skills. David slung a
stone from a distance and hit Goliath in the forehead, knocking him down. Third, the power of anointing was evident in his words. He wrote many Psalms, which still encourage the faith of many people today. Also, Saul and the soldiers of Israel were afraid when they saw Goliath, and spoke words of unbelief, but there was faith and confidence in the words that David uttered. Fourth, the power of anointing gave David the gift of knowledge. The gift of knowledge is a spiritual gift that allows us to supernaturally understand the other person. Analyzing Goliath’s words and actions, we notice several puzzling points. He most likely had vision problems. David was made aware of this. Goliath, with his poor eyesight, could only fight in close quarters, but David defeated him by throwing a stone from a distance. Finally, the power of anointing gave him a heavenly perspective. Isaiah said, “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” To renew one’s strength means to receive the Holy Spirit and when we receive it, we can live by the power of the Holy Spirit, like an eagle soaring high in the sky on an updraft. David had the perspective of an eagle and looked down on Goliath from heaven. The other Israelites were afraid of the giant Goliath, but to David, with his heavenly perspective, he was just a small prey. This difference in perspective brought him victory.

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