Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 2 / Bring Empty Vessels / 使徒の働き 2章/空の器を持ってきなさい

Acts 2 / Bring Empty Vessels / 使徒の働き 2章/空の器を持ってきなさい

May 22, 2024 | Messages

A woman who had lost her husband and was in poverty came to Elisha asking for help. Then Elisha ordered her and her sons
to bring empty vessels. When she poured oil into the vesselsbrought by her sons, all the vessels were filled with oil, even
though they had only a little oil. (2 Kings 4) What does this story teach us? This story was symbolic of the Pentecost that
took place in New Testament era. In the Bible, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit , and Jesus said, “God gives the Spirit without limit.” Also, the New Testament repeatedly compares us to “vessels,” and the empty vessels are ourselves. Empty
vessels also refer to the ministries we perform. As the sons of the widow brought the vessels before Elisha, so God will pour
out the Holy Spirit without limit if we offer ourselves to Him. The question we should ask ourselves is, “What does it mean to me to offer an empty vessel to God?” After the Holy Spirit was poured out, Peter preached to the people quoting the word of the prophet Joel. “God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” A life devoted to God is a life of hope. This is because when
we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can see visions and dreams. The vision given to Horizon Japanese Church is to have a church building in the future. There our family of God will gather to praise God and have fellowship. Hope gives us strength to live. Let us offer ourselves to God as empty vessels and live filled with the Holy Spirit.

聖書において油は聖霊の象徴であり、イエスは「神は御霊を無限に与えられる」と語った。新約聖書は私達信仰者を繰り返「器」に喩えているが、空の器とは私達自身の事なのだ。また、空の器とは、私達が行うミニストリーをも意味する。やもめ女の息子達が器を集めてきたように、私達も私達自身や私達の働きを神に捧げ るならば、そこには無限に聖霊が注がれ、神の祝福によって満たされるのだ。私達が自身に問いかけるべき質問はたった一つである。それは、「私にとって空の器を持ってくるとは一体何を意味するのか?」という質問である。聖霊降臨の後、ペテロは預言者ヨエルの語った言葉を引用してメッセージを語った。「神は言われる。終わりの日に、わたしの霊をすべての人に注ぐ。すると、あなたがたの息子や娘は預言し、青年は幻を見、老人は夢を見る。

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