Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 4 / Salvation is found in Him/ 使徒の働き 4章/救いは彼にある

Acts 4 / Salvation is found in Him/ 使徒の働き 4章/救いは彼にある

July 1, 2024 | Messages

After a man who was lame was healed by the power of Jesus’ name, Peter gave a message to the crowd gathered there.
When the Jewish religious leaders learned that it was happening in the Temple courts, they captured and imprisoned Peter and John. This was the first persecution in the history of Christianity. However, although Peter and John were taken into custody, the Word of God was not bound. Five thousand men who heard Peter’s sermon were saved! This is such an important message that is spoken throughout the book of Acts. No one can hold the Word of God in bondage, even if people are detained for preaching the Gospel. The next morning, Peter and John were put on trial, where Peter had the opportunity to testify about the Gospel before the Jewish leaders. He quoted scripture from Psalm 118, testifying that the healing of the lame man occurred in Jesus’ name and that Jesus, who was delivered by the Jews to be crucified, was the “cornerstone,” or Messiah, as prophesied in the Psalm. Furthermore, in the conclusion of his message, he declared, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” When the Bible uses the word “salvation,” it has a broad meaning. The power of Jesus’ name not only saves our souls from destruction but can also
heals us from sickness and delivers us from the many difficulties of life. The name of Jesus also has the power to transform our personalities into the likeness of Jesus. Indeed, our salvation is found in Jesus. Let us seek him diligently and live trusting in the power of the name of Jesus

生まれつき足のきかない男がイエスの御名の力により癒やされた後、ペテロはそこに集まった群衆にメッセージを語った。神殿で それが起こっている事を知った宗教指導者達は、二人を捕らえて投獄した。これはキリスト教の歴史における初めての迫害であっ
て起きたこと、またユダヤ人達によって十字架刑に引き渡されたイエスこそが、詩篇に預言されている「礎の石」、すなわちメシアである事を証しした。更に彼はメッセージの結論として、「この方以外には、誰によっても救いはない」と力強く宣言したのだった。聖書が「救い」という言葉を使う時、それは幅広い意味を持つ。イエスの御名が持つ力は、私達の魂を滅びから救うだけではなく、私達を病から癒し、人生に起こる様々な問題からも私達を救い出 して下さる。またイエスの御名は、私達の人格をも、イエスに似た者へと変える力を持っているのだ。実に私達の救いは、イエスにある。私達は、この方を熱心に求め、またイエスの御名が持つその力に信頼して生きよう。



